, pub-6691614088731252, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 wrwy749 - NEPAGMERS - Page 2
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GMRS Simplex/Repeater
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NEPAGMRS Simplex update
NEPAGMRS Simplex Relay
WRFM780 Lee Repeater
Neighborhood Radio Watch Groups

Welcome to NEPA GMERS!


The purpose of this group would be to organize licensed GMRS operators into a structured format in an effort to link the NEPA geographic area through both a repeater and simplex GMRS radio network of operators for emergency communications. We would create a map of GMRS repeaters and base station locations with a frequency list so operators would have a quick reference list of the closet stations with which to communicate.


We are currently working on organization of this new group. Proposing that “NEPA” in this case refers to Luzerne County and all the adjacent counties. i.e. Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming, Monroe, Carbon, Schuylkill, Columbia and Sullivan. There would be one county coordinator for each county. A county could then be broken down into sectors with individual sector leaders. For example, Luzerne County could be broken down into North Valley, South Valley, Back Mountain, Mountaintop and Hazleton. We will post the structure, locations, map, County Coordinators, Sector leaders etc. on this site.

NET and Testing

We would run either a separate net and/or in conjunction with NEPAGMRS and the Mountain Simplex net to run both simplex and repeater comm tests to map out a relay system for emergency comms.

Once we have a somewhat organized system the County Coordinators can approach the County Emergency officials to offer our assistance in an emergency situation.